The Importance Of Professional Cleanings

The most important thing you can do for your teeth is to prevent problems before they arise. The cornerstone of preventative care is oral hygiene at home. You should brush and floss your teeth twice daily to keep your mouth less habitable for harmful bacteria. The next important piece of the prevention puzzle is keeping regular visits to your dentist’s office. Not only can your dentist check up on your mouth to find any potential problems early, but your hygienist can give your smile a professional cleaning. A professional cleaning twice a year is optimal for your oral health. 

Why do you need a professional cleaning?

You may ask this question if you are dedicated to your twice or more daily brushing and flossing routine. Even with the most vigilant of oral hygiene, there are some places in your mouth that you could be missing. If you are like the normal person, you may not be brushing well enough, which may result in some left-behind plaque. Plaque is the film on your teeth that contains harmful decay-causing bacteria. Over time, plaque begins to calcify or harden into tartar. Tartar is very hard to remove at home. During a professional cleaning, your hygienist will remove any plaque and tartar build-up from your teeth and gums. Your dentist will examine your mouth to look for any signs of gum disease.

Deep cleaning: scaling and root planing

If your dentist finds any sign of gum disease, you may need to be treated with a deep cleaning. Gum disease causes the gums to pull away from the teeth resulting in pockets. Plaque and tartar can build up in these pockets causing inflammation. With scaling and root planing, your dentist can remove any harmful build-up. A local anesthetic can be provided to help ease any discomfort.

Good oral health requires professional cleanings

Dr. Amanda Foust and her team provide you with professional cleanings. Dental Impressions has proudly treated families in Ankeny, IA, as well as Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities. Schedule an appointment by calling (515) 965-0230.