Signs You Are Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) is the literal grinding of your teeth against each other. It most often occurs by forcefully gritting the upper and lower jaw against each other, but misalignment of the jaw can cause bruxism. In the short term, teeth grinding can cause headaches, soreness, or stiffness in the jaw. In the long term, teeth grinding can lead to TMJ disorder. Your TMJ or temporomandibular joint is the joint that hinges your jaw together. The disorder can affect both the joint itself and the muscles surrounding it. mostly occurs while you are sleeping. If you are sleeping when it occurs, how will you know if you are doing it? 

Signs of grinding

If you are often waking up with a sore and/or stiff jaw, you are likely grinding your teeth at night. Waking up with headaches that last all day can also be a sign. Bruxism can also cause sensitivity in your teeth. It can also cause visible damage to your teeth. If you notice any changes to your teeth, it is best to talk to your dentist. The visible signs of bruxism may be too small for you to see yourself. Teeth grinding is often caused by stress. It can also happen while you are awake. If you catch yourself clenching your jaw too often during the day, it may also be happening at night.

Importance of treatment

As mentioned, bruxism can lead to damage, sensitivity, and to TMJ disorder. Teeth grinding can get so severe that it can cause chips and cracks to the teeth. The tiny chips and cracks will lead to increased sensitivity. Your dentist can determine what the best treatment is for you depending on the cause of the bruxism. If it is stress-related, you may be able to make some lifestyle changes. Your dentist can take a mold of your mouth to fit you for a mouth guard. The custom mouth guard can protect your teeth from any grinding. If your jaw is misaligned, an oral splint may be used to realign your jaw.

Teeth grinding can lead to serious issues

Dr. Foust can help you find the right treatment for your teeth grinding. Dental Impressions has proudly treated families in Ankeny, IA, as well as Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities. Schedule an consultation by calling (515) 965-0230.