You know somewhere in the back of your mind that when it comes to your children’s dental care, at some point, you may need to be prepared to deal with wisdom teeth. However, you likely do your best to push this far, far into those mental recesses because you want your kids to stay little forever and because who wants to think about extractions until absolutely necessary? Perhaps answering some of your questions about this part of your child’s smile development will help you feel a little bit better.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Will I need to start thinking about wisdom teeth right now if my kids are still quite little? When does this become an issue for my children’s dental care?
Answer: This is not something that becomes relevant until your kids are older. These molars typically make their appearance when your child is in his or her late teen years through about 25 years of age.
Question: What am I going to do if it turns out something is wrong with my child’s wisdom teeth? How do I make decisions about removal?
Answer: We will help you! We can keep an eye on third molar development during dental checkups. If it looks like they may be presenting a problem, we may refer you to a trusted oral surgeon who can then help you come to a decision regarding removal.
Question: Is removal of these final molars always a necessity? Should I just assume this is going to be one of the major experiences associated with my child’s dental care?
Answer: This is not always essential. Sometimes, people just don’t develop any third molars. Sometimes, they are perfectly healthy. It is unique to each patient.
Learn More About Kids And Wisdom Teeth With Us
Remember that we will monitor your child’s smile for third molars during their dental visits, so you don’t need to worry about detecting them. We will keep you advised. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.