What to Do When You Grind Your Teeth Too Much

When you have a teeth-grinding problem (bruxism), you may not notice it at first. The times that you notice yourself grinding your teeth may not seem serious, and most of your grinding may occur while you sleep. However, before long, the effects of bruxism will become undeniably more noticeable, and those effects can impact almost every area of your oral health. At our Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office, we may be able to help you address your bruxism and stop teeth-grinding with custom treatment, such as a comfortable oral appliance that you can wear while you sleep.

Pay attention to the times you notice it

Bruxism describes consistent teeth-grinding, and though it often occurs subconsciously, you’re likely to notice it at least sometimes throughout the day. Take note of the times that you do catch yourself teeth-grinding. It will occur more than just occasionally, and once you notice how often, you can determine if it may be an indication of bruxism. Because many patients grind their teeth most often at night, you should also pay attention to how your teeth feel when you first wake up each morning. A night full of grinding can make them especially sensitive or painful.

Mention your concern during your dental checkup

If you think you might have bruxism, then be sure to mention your concern to your dentist during your routine dental checkup and cleaning appointments. These are the times to ask your dentist any questions you may have or mention any concerns that have arisen since your last visit. Your dentist can perform a comprehensive exam to check for signs of tooth wear or other symptoms of bruxism. If you’re diagnosed with the condition, then your dentist will work with you to develop the most appropriate treatment plan.

Follow your dentist’s advice for treating it

Because bruxism can be caused by a variety of different factors, treating it may look different from patient to patient. One of the most common treatments, however, is to wear a custom-designed oral appliance while you sleep at the recommendation of your dentist. The appliance can protect your teeth from the excessive pressure and friction that results from bruxism, and can prevent extensive damage to your tooth structure.

Learn how to stop grinding your teeth too much

If you grind your teeth too often – a condition known as bruxism – then let us help you stop as soon as possible to save your healthy teeth. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA immediately at (515) 965-0230. We also proudly serve patients who live in Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities.