Stop Trying To Ignore Your Problem With A Toothache

You feel like something must be wrong with your tooth, because you are not able to put pressure on it or exposure it to hot or cold temperatures without discomfort. Despite your suspicion that it is in poor health, you have put off scheduling an appointment with your dentist. What you should know is that an aching or sensitive tooth may be infected, and that by ignoring these symptoms you put it at risk for suffering more serious problems over time. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we are ready to help patients deal with issues that lead to toothaches and dental sensitivity. Through the appropriate restorative dental procedure, we can remove infected tissues, stop the spread of bacteria, and make sure that your tooth is protected from future problems!

Your Toothache Could Be A Symptom Of A Serious Cavity

A cavity may not be painful for a period of time after it forms, as only your enamel will be harmed by it. As time passes, and issues with decay worsen, you face the risk of letting the tooth become infected. An infection occurs when bacteria enter the tooth’s pulp and begin attacking the living nerves located inside your pulp. Pain from this problem is hard to miss, and it can make your daily life less pleasant. When this happens, you should know that the problem can worsen until the tooth cannot be saved. At this point, restorative dental work may involve plans to restore your smile with the placement of a dental implant-held tooth, rather than the successful restoration of the natural tooth.

Endodontic Treatment Can Put An End To Your Discomfort

Endodontic treatments are any treatments that involve work within the tooth structure. For an infected tooth, it is necessary to clear out damaged and infected tissues so that bacteria stop spreading and doing damage. Your pulp can be sealed to prevent more problems after the work is completed. In order to protect a tooth that has been restored through this care, a dental crown is placed. Dental crowns provide more protection than dental fillings, as they completely cover a tooth rather than just occupy the area where a cavity was removed.

Can I Arrange Dental Work Without Causing My Smile To Change?

Because our practice uses modern materials to craft restorations, it is possible to restore a tooth without changing your appearance. While you can be happy to see that a custom dental crown matches your tooth structure closely, you can be relieved to know that your restoration is capable of keeping the tooth safe even as you bite and chew with it.

Discuss Your Toothache With Your Ankeny, IA Dentist

At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, patients who are struggling with tooth pain can reach out to us to have work completed to address the cause of their discomfort. Find out more by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny at (515) 965-0230.