Seeking Help When You See Signs Of Gingivitis

If you keep up with the right oral hygiene efforts, you can effectively fight the accumulation of bacteria that make you vulnerable to difficulties with gum disease as well as problems with dental decay. Both gingivitis and the onset of a cavity can lead to serious consequences when not addressed in time. Someone who lets a cavity stay untreated can experience pain from an infection, and may eventually suffer more complications that leave a tooth beyond saving! Letting gingivitis remain unaddressed can mean experiencing complications with more severe gum disease that is harder to control and more likely to cause worrying tissue damage and attachment loss. Make sure you pay attention to the early warning signs of gingivitis. Also, keep up with your regular dental exams, as appointments with your Ankeny, IA dentist offer both timely warnings and care to stop the problem from growing more serious.

How Can I Tell If I Have Problems With Gingivitis?

While you should take advantage of regular dental exams in order to keep up with the state of your oral health, you can look out for warning signs of gingivitis between appointments. The following issues can indicate that something is amiss with your gums:

  • Your tissues tend to bleed easily, and often do so whenever you brush and floss
  • You notice tissues that appear swollen or discolored
  • Problems with receding gums affects how you look
  • Bad breath becomes a more frequent problem

If these problems or any others that seem to impact your periodontal tissues are present, make sure you are doing thorough and consistent work cleaning your smile. This can fight the bacteria at the gumline responsible for your infection. You should also make sure that you see your dentist in order to have the problem reviewed and addressed.

Protecting Your Gums At Home And With Dental Exams

On a daily basis, make sure that you clean at the bases of your teeth when you both brush and floss. Doing so fights the accumulation of bacteria that are responsible for gingivitis and more advanced gum disease. Remember that you should also keep up with protection in the form of your regular dental exams. At your appointments, Dr. Foust will check you for any signs of poor gum health as well as problems with your teeth. Early detection can result in a deep cleaning that will remove worrying bacteria so that we can stop further issues with your well-being.

Talk To Your Ankeny, IA Dentist About Treatment To Address Gingivitis!

The right approach to fighting gingivitis can protect you against potentially serious consequences for your oral and general health. If you would like to find out more about how we can care for your smile, please contact Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230 to schedule a visit.