Implants Offer A Permanent Restorative Solution

Dental Impressions Of Ankeny, IA, provides implants for a sturdier prosthetic solution

If you are missing a tooth, you may feel less confident in your smile and notice changes in the way your teeth functions. At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we offer several types of prosthetic solutions for our patients. If you are looking for a structure that is permanent, implant surgery might be what you’re looking for.  Implants are a permanent solution to hold your prosthetic piece in place.

Read more: Implants Offer A Permanent Restorative Solution

A Missing Tooth Can Harm Your Oral Health

Having a hole in your smile can affect more than just your visual appearance. It can also decrease your well-being, limit your chewing abilities, and weaken your jaw. This can make it difficult to enjoy food and daily life. Over time, this could have the potential to harm your oral health. While regular restorative solutions such as bridges and crowns are helpful in combating these issues, they are not always the best or most long-lasting solution. Traditional dentures must be glued into your mouth daily and have the risk of falling out, and crowns can come out if not secured in place.

Strengthen Your Jaw, Boost Your Confidence, And Enjoy Your Smile Again With Implants

Implants are a helpful tool for prosthetic dental work to attach to as a permanent fixture in your mouth. Having these in place can help strengthen your jaw and restore function to your teeth. The best part is that no one will be able to see a difference between your teeth and the false ones.

This procedure can take several appointments. We’re here to make this process as easy and comfortable as possible for you. First, you will have a consultation with your dentist to discuss your needs. Every patient has different needs, so it is important to discuss the right plan for everyone.

A lab will use a mold of your teeth to create the crown that will cover the post. During oral surgery, the posts will be secured into your jaw. If necessary, parts of the old tooth will be removed before the new structure is screwed in. Don’t worry, you will be sedated during this surgery for comfort. It will take some time for this part to fuse to your jawline. This is what makes dental implants different than simply using prosthetic materials.

Once these fuse together we will then apply an abutment, which is the part that touches both the root and prosthetic. Then, we will attach the crown to the abutment. Just like with any other prosthetic tooth, the material will be color-matched to blend in with your natural teeth. Now you have a sturdy structure that will hold in place for a lifetime, and you can get back to your daily life.

Begin The Steps To A New Smile Today!

Contact Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today by calling (515) 965-0230 to learn more about your dental implant treatment options and to schedule your next appointment with our team