Ankeny, IA dentist offers crowns to restore teeth after bruxism or other problem

How Crowns Can Repair Your Smile

When you do your best to take care of your pearly whites, it can be stressful when you accidentally harm them. Whether they have been chipped in an accident or worn down due to bruxism, there is a way to restore your teeth to their original condition. At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we offer crowns to protect your tooth from further injury and maintain a full smile. In today’s blog, we will discuss the situations where this restoration may be used.

Read more: How Crowns Can Repair Your Smile

When You Have Harmed A Tooth

There are several ways that one of your pearly whites may have been harmed. Playing sports, biting into hard foods, and grinding your teeth often can lead to chips or breaking them. For patients who grind their teeth, an oral appliance can help protect your pearly whites from damage caused by bruxism. However, if you have already sustained an injury, it is important to have this treated right away. Do not wait until your next appointment to have a broken tooth looked at. Instead, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. This restoration can be used to restore the injured tooth faster, decreasing the risk of further damage or infection.

Pairing Them With Prosthetics

This protective cap can be used with bridges and implants, too. A bridge is a prosthetic that is held in place by your natural surrounding teeth. If these are not sturdy enough to hold the bridge in place, crowns can be placed on both sides. This will keep your natural teeth healthy and assist in keeping the bridge in place.

For patients with implants, the crown is the part of the prosthesis that looks natural. First, the post will be inserted into your jawbone. You will need a few months for the post to fuse to the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once healed, the abutment can be placed, and the crown will be secured on top. This improves your ability to chew and eat.

How A Crown Is Created

Essentially, this is a tooth-shaped cap that will cover the entire tooth. We prefer to make these using porcelain or zirconia material so that they appear natural-looking. At your appointment, the dentist will examine your smile and determine if a crown is the best solution for your needs. Then, an impression will be made of the area to be sent to a lab. After it is created, the dentist will check that it fits properly before cementing it in place.

See If A Crown Is Right For You

This restoration piece can repair your tooth after damage and restorative work. For more information, schedule an appointment with our team by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230.