Ankeny, IA dentist offers bridges to replace teeth

A Bridge Can Complete Your Smile

In a recent blog, we discussed how dental crowns can restore your tooth after an injury. But what do you do if the entire structure has been lost? Instead of living with gaps in your grin, you can talk to your dentist about replacement options. For patients with up to three missing teeth in a row, a bridge may be a helpful way to have a full smile again. Today, Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here to talk about the benefits of this restoration.

Read more: A Bridge Can Complete Your Smile

Replace Several Missing Teeth In A Row

One of the major benefits of a bridge is that it can replace three teeth in a row. To receive this restoration, you will first have a consultation with your dentist. They will perform a thorough examination of your smile to determine if this is the best option for your needs. It is important that you are in good health and your gums are in good condition before having this place. Then, measurements will be taken to create the prosthetic. It will be supported by the adjacent teeth, which may have crowns placed for extra support.

This Is A Permanent Replacement

Unlike traditional dentures, you will not need to remove a bridge to clean it. So long as you maintain this prosthetic replacement, it will last for several years. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to brush around and underneath the piece. You should use a soft-bristled brush to clean the area, and you can use a floss threader to prevent plaque buildup underneath it. Remember that even with false teeth, you should still be seeing your dentist regularly for examinations and cleanings. This can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other problems.

Helps Prevent Future Tooth Loss

When you have lost a permanent tooth, more will be lost if proper action is not taken. A bridge can help promote jaw strength to avoid further bone loss or weakening. If your jaw begins to weaken or deteriorate, it can become difficult to chew and speak. To keep your entire oral cavity healthy, it is important to address tooth loss early on.

If a bridge is not suitable for your needs, other options can be discussed. At our office, we also offer implants. This technique inserts posts deep into the jawbone to replace the root of a tooth. Then, the crown (the visible part of your pearly white) can be replaced with a prosthetic. This allows for a sturdy and permanent way to replace your missing teeth and promote bone growth.

See If This Restoration Is Right For You

You do not have to live with an incomplete grin. To schedule a consultation for a bridge or other tooth-replacement option, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at 515.965.0230.