Ankeny, IA dentist offers composite resin fillings

Why We Use Composite Resin For Fillings

If you have a cavity, your dentist may have recommended that you get this treated with a filling. This restoration helps stop the progression of decay by removing the damaged part of the tooth and adding material to protect the area. At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we use composite resin for fillings and during cosmetic bonding. In today’s blog, we will discuss the benefits of using this instead of porcelain or amalgam.

Read more: Why We Use Composite Resin For Fillings

Common Materials Used In Restorations

As mentioned above, we choose to use composite resin for many treatments. This is because it is easily shade-matched to the color of your smile, is highly durable, and bonds easily to any surface of your tooth. Other practices may use materials like gold, porcelain, amalgam, or glass ionomer. While gold is long-lasting, it can be expensive and not as discreet. Porcelain can match the color of your pearly whites but is not as durable. Amalgam fillings are silver in color, making them stand out. One disadvantage of these is that they may expand or contract with temperature changes, which can be uncomfortable.

Other Uses For Composite Resin

We also use this material for cosmetic treatments such as bonding. For patients who have internal discoloration, unevenness, or other blemishes they would like to disguise, this is a great option. We will bond the composite resin to the area. It will blend in with your smile and create a natural-looking symmetry to your pearly whites. If professional teeth whitening does not help you achieve your goals, it may be due to intrinsic stains, which cannot be removed. This treatment is also combined with contouring, a process that reshapes your teeth to create an even look.

When Are Fillings Necessary

At your next checkup, your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your oral cavity. During this, they may find signs of decay. This may be noticed if the area is highly sensitive, has a change in texture, or there is a visible hole in the area. If this is detected, a separate appointment for a filling may be booked. It is important to have this done promptly to avoid the decay from progressing further. If a carie has not formed yet, but there are potential signs, your dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment to help restrengthen your enamel.

Treatment for a cavity is a common practice. Before the procedure, the local area may be numbed for your comfort. Then, a gentle drill will be used to remove the damaged part of the tooth. The area will be cleaned, and composite resin will be added. You may need to wait around 30 minutes to eat or drink anything after this treatment.

Treat Dental Decay Today

To schedule an appointment for a restoration, or another service, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at 515.965.0230.