Ankeny, IA, dentist offers cosmetic bonding to improve appearance of smile

Bonding And Contouring: Minimally Invasive Ways To Improve Your Smile

Do you have discoloration on your teeth that won’t go away, even after trying whitening treatments? This could be due to intrinsic stains occurring below your enamel. We know that this can be frustrating and may make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Luckily, there is a way to remedy this. Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, offers cosmetic bonding which can help disguise these unwanted blemishes on your pearly whites.

Read more: Bonding And Contouring: Minimally Invasive Ways To Improve Your Smile

Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Staining

When we think of discolored or yellow teeth, we may be led to believe that this is caused by outside factors. This is true in many cases, but not all. Popular beverages like coffee, tea, and soda have compounds that can stain the surface of our pearly whites. This type of extrinsic discoloration can be removed with a proper oral hygiene routine and a professional teeth whitening routine. Intrinsic stains, on the other hand, happen below the enamel and cannot be removed with these steps. This discoloration may be noticed as white, yellow, or brown spots on the teeth which could be caused by injury to the area, genetics, and many other factors.

How Cosmetic Bonding Helps

Cosmetic bonding is a non-invasive way to improve the appearance of your smile. Your dentist will take composite resin and add it to the areas of discoloration. This material will disguise the stained areas and make your smile look uniform. You may be familiar with composite resin, as it is also used for filling cavities. It is highly durable, looks lifelike, and can last for many years.

Before having this done, you will first need a consultation with your dentist. They will help determine if this cosmetic treatment will be helpful for your needs. For instance, if the discolored area is due to an injury, the area may first need to be restored. They can also discuss other cosmetic treatment options if you need help deciding between whitening, bonding, or getting porcelain veneers.

Pair This Treatment With Contouring

Although you can have bonding done on its own, many people pair this service with contouring. This process is the technique of gently reshaping the tooth to make it more uniform. It may be used if you have jagged or overlapping teeth. Together, these services can help you achieve a symmetrical smile.

Once you have had this enhancement done, it is important that you continue caring for your smile. Make sure to practice a good oral hygiene routine and see your dentist twice a year for checkups. This will help maintain your oral health.

Ask Our Team About Cosmetic Treatments

If you would like to learn more about bonding and contouring, schedule an appointment with Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today by calling us at (515) 965-0230.