Ankeny, IA dentist offers porcelain veneers

What To Know Before Veneers

In a recent blog, we discussed how bonding and contouring can help improve the look of your smile. This is a conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry that can help disguise the look of discoloration and minor blemishes. Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, also offers porcelain veneers, which can also help achieve a more vibrant appearance as well. If you are interested in this enhancement, we will be discussing what to expect from the process in today’s blog.

Read more: What To Know Before Veneers

The Process May Take A Few Appointments

Other cosmetic treatments, such as professional whitening, can be accomplished in one visit. However, the process of receiving porcelain veneers may take several appointments. During the initial consultation, your dentist will examine your oral cavity and check for issues such as cavities and gum disease. Unfortunately, if you have these problems, they will need to be treated before moving forward with this enhancement.

After the consultation, measurements will be taken of your teeth for the porcelain shells to be created. This may take several weeks. Your teeth will also need to be prepared for the shells by having them reshaped. This helps the shells fit snuggly in place. When they are ready, they will be bonded in place by your dentist.

Veneers Do Not Repair Damaged Teeth

While veneers do offer several benefits, they cannot restore your pearly whites if they have been harmed. This cosmetic treatment is a great option for patients who have problems with intrinsic discoloration, small gaps between their teeth, or an uneven smile. If you have problems such as chipped or cracked teeth, your dentist will need to repair them either through bonding or with dental crowns.

The thin shells used for this cosmetic treatment will be placed over the front of your natural dental structures. They will not protect them against problems such as cavities and gum disease, so it is important to maintain good oral hygiene before and after they are placed. Your dentist can teach you how to brush and floss gently so that the porcelain is not damaged.

They Can Last For Many Years

As long as they are cared for properly, veneers can last for several years. They may be able to last for up to twenty years with good care. Services like professional teeth whitening may require a touch-up every few years. Along with proper at-home hygiene, you should also continue seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup. It is essential that your natural teeth and gums remain healthy in order to help maintain your veneers.

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you are interested in this treatment, talk to our team today. You can schedule an appointment with Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, by calling us at (515) 965-0230.