Ankneny, IA dentist offers cosmetic treatments

Weighing Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

Even with a great oral hygiene routine, your smile may not be as visually appealing as you would like it to be. Checkups can help prevent common problems such as cavities and gum disease, but they do not remove stains or address uneven teeth. If you are looking for a way to fix blemishes on your pearly whites, the team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA offers several cosmetic treatments that can address various problems.

Read more: Weighing Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

Staining On Your Enamel

Do you frequently drink dark-colored beverages like coffee, tea, or soda? These may be the culprits of your yellowed dental structures. Some of your foods may play a role in this, too. While having yellow or discolored teeth may not necessarily mean you have poor oral hygiene, it does not always look the most appealing. To improve your appearance, a professional whitening service can help remove these stains and leave you with brighter pearly whites. This can be achieved safely in our office or at home, depending on what is more convenient for your needs. Unlike store-bought kits, our whitening treatment will be tailored to your needs so that you can reach your smile goals.

Addressing Uneven Or Blemished Teeth

If your smile concerns have more to do with blemishes that do not go away after whitening, cosmetic bonding is another option that may help. With this, composite resin is added to your stubborn problem areas. This conservative approach can help you gain an even grin.

Are your teeth uneven, or a little misshapen? This can make your grin look unsymmetrical and may potentially lower your self-confidence. If the problem is mild, there is a way to address it without the need for orthodontic care. Contouring can be done to reshape jagged or uneven structures. This is minimally invasive and can leave you with stunning results in one single appointment.

We Also Offer Veneers

For patients looking for a more permanent or drastic change, we also offer porcelain veneers. This technique uses porcelain shells to cover uneven teeth. This is a great option for patients with several visual concerns throughout their whole smile. Porcelain veneers allow you to target the specific teeth that you would like to improve. You can choose which teeth you would like the shells to be placed, and what shade for the porcelain to be. Before receiving veneers, you will need a consultation with your dentist. Your smile must be in good health before any cosmetic treatment, especially this one. The shells must have a sturdy structure to be secured. If you have gum disease or tooth decay, these will need to be treated first.

Ask Your Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

To schedule an appointment, call us at our Ankeny, IA office at (515) 965-0230. We offer checkups, restorations, and cosmetic services.