Ankeny, IA dentist offers treatment for bruxism

Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

Your dentist can help you with more than preventing cavities and tooth decay. If you grind your teeth at night, the team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA may be able to find the root cause of this and help you treat this condition. Getting help for this problem can protect your pearly whites from further damage that can occur from bruxism.

Read more: Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

What Causes Bruxism

If you grind your teeth when you sleep, you may not even notice until symptoms or side effects begin. There is no singular cause for bruxism, but it may have to do with stress, age, uneven bites, or other problems. Some risk factors can include your family history, certain medications you may be taking, and your personality type.

Symptoms of this condition may be waking up with headaches, earaches, and soreness in your face or jaw. You may also be more susceptible to cavities and chipped teeth because over time the motion of grinding your teeth together can weaken the enamel. You may also notice that the area is sensitive when chewing certain things. During your biannual cleaning, your dentist may be able to recognize signs of wear and tear that can indicate grinding or clenching.

Is There A Difference Between Nighttime Or Daytime Grinding?

Yes, these may be caused by different factors. If you find yourself clenching your jaw throughout the day, it may be due to stress. To help stop this, you can try to lower your stress or anxiety levels. If you can decrease or stop the problem on your own, you may not necessarily have bruxism. However, if the issue is occurring while you sleep, it can be difficult to recognize and stop on your own. In this case, if you have the symptoms mentioned above, it may be helpful to seek professional treatment. This type of grinding may be happening if your teeth are misaligned, your bite is off, or other sleep disorders.

Your Dentist May Be Able To Help

Bruxism can disrupt your sleep and can have negative consequences on your oral health. At your next checkup, your dentist will examine your smile. They may be able to notice visible signs, and you can also discuss the symptoms you are recognizing. From there, they can diagnose the issue and help create a treatment plan. Treatment for bruxism may include changing some of your lifestyle habits and wearing an oral appliance as you sleep. This appliance helps protect your teeth from mashing against each other and can help decrease your symptoms.

Schedule An Appointment Today

The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA can help diagnose and treat your bruxism condition. To schedule an appointment, call us at (515) 965-0230.