dental checkups ankeny ia

Are You Up To Date With Your Dental Checkups?

Your regular oral health maintenance makes a difference in your ability to keep your smile safe, healthy, and strong. While you might know this on a philosophical level, you need to put that into action with consistent care, starting with your brushing and flossing at home. But you simply cannot do it all on your own, and so your routine dental checkups are a vital part of your upkeep, giving you a cleaning and examination with the expertise of a trained oral health expert.

At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we know that keeping your smile safe from harm takes dedication. From the brushing and flossing that you do every day to your appointments in the dental office for a semiannual dental checkup, maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile takes work, and we are here to make it as easy on you as possible. That starts with sticking to your schedule of semiannual dental checkups, and if it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist, find your way back to a positive oral health path with our team. To find out more or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Cleaning And Examination?

For most people, the recommendation for semiannual dental checkups is to have one appointment with your provider every six months. This guideline is for the general population, and for some, more frequent visits can be helpful to address certain environmental or genetic concerns. Or if you have developed a significant buildup of plaque and tartar along your gumline and on the surface of your teeth, you might need a little extra care. Talk to your dentist about your timeline of appointments, and then be sure to stick to your schedule of cleanings and examinations.

Your Dental Checkups Are Your Opportunity To Learn More About Your Smile

While you are in the dental chair for your examination, make sure to tell your provider about any concerns that have popped up since your last visit. For some people, it can be difficult to remember everything, so it can be helpful to keep a smile journal for the days preceding your appointment.

You should also ask your dentist all of your questions related to your oral health. You do not see your oral healthcare provider every day, so take advantage of the years or training and experience while you are in the office.

Schedule Your Next Visit At Dental Impressions!

If it is time for your next visit to the dentist for a cleaning and examination, give us a call. To find out more or to schedule your next dental checkup, speak with our team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, call us at (515) 965-0230.