Dental Impressions offers veneers for a perfect smile

A Permanent Cosmetic Enhancement

Dental Impressions offers veneers for a perfect smile

At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we have several options for cosmetic treatments that can make your smile look brand new. Options such as teeth whitening can remove stains and create a bright effect. If you are looking for an everlasting treatment, veneers might be the treatment you are looking for. In today’s blog, we’re here today to explain what the process is like and the many benefits.

Read more: A Permanent Cosmetic Enhancement

What To Expect From This Treatment

You may have already seen people with veneers. Celebrities, TV stars, and people that you know in real life have had this cosmetic procedure done. If you have ever seen somebody with a brilliantly white, even smile, they likely have had this procedure done.

The process of veneers is irreversible, so it is important to know what to expect during this procedure. Before you begin the process, you will first have a consultation with your dentist to talk about your smile goals. Once this is established, the process can begin.

Placing The Veneers

If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, veneers are a tooth-shaped shell that is placed on the front of the teeth. You can think of it as an acrylic nail that is glued to the natural one. This will take place over several appointments. First, you will have a part of your teeth shaved down so that the shape and size of the new shell can be uniform. An impression of your smile will be taken, and we will send the measurements to a lab to create your perfect new tooth. In the meantime, temporary veneers will be placed. Once the permanent ones come in, we will bond them to each tooth. You will now have a brand-new smile that you can show off to the world.

The material of your new teeth will be durable, but it is important to take care of them and your natural teeth underneath. Be sure to continue with a consistent oral hygiene routine and see your dentist twice a year. Pearly whites do not always mean that you are healthy. It is also recommended that you keep away from tobacco products to not stain the new teeth. You may also opt to drink beverages like coffee and teeth through a straw to keep your smile bright.

How This Compares To Other Options

Veneers are an investment to enhance your smile. In comparison to other cosmetic options, this permanent solution stands out. Professional whitening services do not always work for everyone depending on the strength of their teeth and type of staining. Bonding and contouring are alternative options that can improve your appearance. Depending on your preferences and needs, you and your dentist can decide together your best option.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

 Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230 and schedule your next appointment with our team. We also welcome patients who live in Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities.