Ankeny, IA, dentist offers implants

Implants Provide A Lifelike Replacement

Losing a tooth as a child may be an exciting part of growing up. When this happens to you as an adult, though, it can be cause for concern. Missing a permanent dental structure can lead to problems for your oral health and overall well-being. The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, offers replacement options includes crowns, bridges, and more, depending on your needs. In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing the many benefits that dental implants offers patients.

Read more: Implants Provide A Lifelike Replacement

What Are The Benefits Of Implants?

There are several ways to replace your missing teeth. The method you choose should be based on your personal needs, preferences, and health. A dental bridge, for instance, can be used to replace up to three structures in a row. This is a permanent option that will not need to be removed to clean or care for. However, this may not be the best choice for all patients. You will need to have existing healthy teeth to support the bridge. Other patients may benefit from a partial denture. This can help replace your missing teeth but allows your healthy existing ones to remain in place. Unlike a bridge, you may need to remove this one to clean each night.

Dental implants can replace the entire dental structure that has come out. While the previously mentioned prosthetics can mimic the visual part of your tooth, only an implant can take the place of the root and crown of your dental structure. This method may be beneficial for patients because it can keep your jawbone strong. The process of receiving an implant can take several months, but it can last for many years.

Implants Look Natural And Support Your Smile

Before starting this process, you will first need a consultation with your dentist. They will examine your oral cavity and make sure that you are a good candidate for this option. In many cases, you can have this done as long as you have healthy gums and a sturdy jawbone. If you have signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease, you will need to have deep cleanings done to get it in a manageable state.

After you have been approved, the next step can begin. Impressions will be taken of your smile to create your custom implants. Then oral surgery will be required to add the post into your jaw. After the post and bone have fused together, the abutment and crown can be added.

This restorative option can improve the function and appearance of your smile. You can continue eating your favorite foods and going about your oral hygiene routine as usual. Don’t forget to see your dentist every six months for a checkup!

Learn More About Your Options

Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA at (515) 965-0230 to learn more about this treatment or schedule an appointment.