Ankeny Dentist Observes Patient Safety Awareness Week

At Dental Impressions, your , Dr. Amanda Foust, believes in working hard to ensure the safety of our patients. The dentist becomes an extension of your family, someone you trust to help maintain the dental health of those closest to you. This is why Dr. Foust always makes a point to observe National Patient Safety […]

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Ankeny Dentist Provides Spring Cleaning for Your Smile!

Spring is almost here! This time of year people everywhere are cleaning out their homes in the name of spring-cleaning. While you’re at it, why not spring clean your teeth as well? In today’s blog, your , Dr. Amanda Foust, explains why routine cleanings keep your smile healthy and bright. […]

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Ankeny Dentist: What to Do When You Chip a Tooth

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? Despite this fact, damaging a tooth is still possible. What do you do when you chip or break a tooth? In today’s blog, your , Dr. Amanda Foust, explains the first steps you should take to address a chipped tooth. Symptoms […]

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Discover Safe Tooth Whitening at Home in Ankeny

A lackluster smile can negatively impact a person’s confidence level. Many patients report covering their mouth when they smile due to embarrassment caused by yellowing or stained teeth. A laundry list of foods and beverages exist which contribute to staining and discoloration. Many people are aware that coffee and red wine stain teeth, but soy […]

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Ankeny Dentist Discusses Porcelain Veneers

Chipped, stained, or misshapen teeth can impact your confidence and keep you from smiling. Thankfully, many cosmetic issues can be resolved with the application of porcelain veneers.  Now a staple in cosmetic dentistry, the use of porcelain veneers allows Dr. Amanda Foust to repair misshapen or stained teeth with ease. She can customize the veneer shade, […]

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Polk City Dentist Offers Natural Looking Dental Crowns

What’s a crown? A dental crown may be referred to as a cap, because it literally caps a tooth that has been compromised by decay or fracture. Traditionally, crowns are made with precious metal, but metal stands out against a naturally white smile. With modern cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Amanda Foust places all-ceramic or all-porcelain dental […]

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