There are signs of poor periodontal health that you can notice on your own. However, you should not assume that you have no problems just because you have not noticed any issues that have you concerned. Even when you are confident in the health of your smile, you should consistently see your dentist for routine […]
Category: Gum Disease
Periodontal Care At A Dental Exam
At a typical dental exam, you can safely assume that you and your dentist will talk about the state of your teeth. What you should know is that our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office will also carefully examine your periodontal health so that we can warn you about problems that may affect you. Troubles with gum […]
When To Worry About Your Gum Health
How worried should you be about your periodontal health? If you have a good oral hygiene routine in place, you can keep harmful bacteria from gathering under your gums and creating infection issues. With that said, you should be aware of how symptoms of gingivitis may affect you. Identifying signs of trouble can warn you […]
Stay Informed About Your Periodontal Health
When you visit our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office for routine care, you can look forward to hearing about more than just whether you need treatment for a cavity. During a checkup, we will closely evaluate you to see if you might have any other issues, like gum disease, that negatively impact your oral health. If […]
How Worried Should I Be About Gingivitis?
You should be worried if you have symptoms of gingivitis. If too much time passes without the appropriate response, this infection can turn into a problem that is difficult to manage. Fortunately, by acting in time, you can stop a problem from growing more serious, which can lead to the prevention of complications that might […]
Periodontal Cleanings And Dental Health
When you see your Ankeny, IA dentist for a routine checkup, you can anticipate both a regular teeth cleaning and an evaluation of your smile. What might surprise you is the news that you should actually receive a periodontal cleaning, and not the cleaning that you are accustomed to. This is a change in preventive […]
Looking For Signs Of Gingivitis
If you pay attention to your smile, you can observe changes in your gums that warn you about a possible problem with gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of an infection, one that can turn into a more serious problem with gum disease when it is not managed properly. You can receive help with this […]
Habits That Help You Avoid Gingivitis
If you notice that your gums have started to bleed more easily, that the tissues appear swollen, or that your gum line is beginning to recede, you should be concerned about your periodontal health. Problems with an infection can grow more serious than you may think possible. Over time, your trouble with gingivitis can lead […]
Understanding Periodontal Cleanings
During a typical dental visit, a patient will receive an evaluation as well as a teeth cleaning. These services provide helpful feedback as well as protection against tartar and plaque buildup. For some patients, more than the standard cleaning is appropriate. If you show signs of gingivitis during your evaluation, your Ankeny, IA dentist can […]
Tartar Buildup And Your Gum Health
Each day, you should follow a routine for cleaning your teeth that includes both brushing and flossing. When you do so, you remove plaque, food debris, and other harmful materials that can cause problems for your well-being. However, over time you may experience issues with the buildup of tartar. At routine dental exams and cleanings […]