When you think about how you should effectively protect your smile, make sure you think about more than just your relative risk for dental decay. Your effort to clean your smile gives you a way to avoid cavities as well as a means of protecting your gums from problems. If you do not take your […]
Category: Gum Disease
How Gum Disease Affects Your General Health
How much harm are you really doing when you ignore your trouble with gum disease? It may surprise you to learn that when your periodontal health is not managed well, your overall health can pay the price! Over time, problems with gum disease will become more difficult to reverse, or even control, which can lead […]
Protect Your Smile By Maintaining Healthy Gums
What kind of problems do you picture when you think about an unattractive smile? You may focus on issues that concern teeth. For example, you may picture someone with enamel stains, a smile that is not properly aligned, or one that is missing teeth. What you should think about is the role that our periodontal […]
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Addressing Gingivitis At A Dental Exam
How much can you and your dentist really discuss during a dental exam? The point of these visits is to make sure your smile is completely healthy. To make sure this is the case, your Ankeny, IA dentist will look at more than just the condition of your teeth. These visits are also opportunities to […]
Deep Cleanings Versus Routine Teeth Cleanings
Every six months, you should find your way back to the dentist’s office for routine support. Oral bacteria pose a constant threat, which is why regular visits are recommended. Between your daily oral hygiene routine and your appointments with your Ankeny, IA dentist, you can protect yourself against bacteria that are responsible for issues like […]
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Gingivitis Prevention And Your Daily Behaviors
Are your daily choices leaving you at risk for gingivitis? If you want to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy, you should follow an oral hygiene routine that fully cleans your smile. Unfortunately, many people are not as thorough as they should be, which leaves them vulnerable to health issues that can […]
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Preventive Dentistry And Periodontal Health
The work you do to prevent cavities can—and should—also protect your gums against the onset of gingivitis. Brushing and flossing are effective at fighting the bacteria that cause periodontal problems. With that said, to make sure these tissues remain healthy, you should take care to fully clean your smile, and you should also take advantage […]
Tips For Preventing Or Addressing Gingivitis
Are you currently safe against gingivitis, or should you be more concerned than you are about the health of your gums? Problems with your periodontal health can affect you in more ways than you may realize. If you are not watching out for signs of an infection, one can form and gradually worsen, which can […]
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Look Out For Early Signs Of Gum Disease
You should pay attention to the warning signs of gum disease, as ignoring them can lead to more consequences than you may anticipate. The good news is that warning signs can often be identified without your dentist’s help. By recognizing potential concerns, you can take the appropriate action to fight the buildup of bacteria responsible […]
How Healthier Gums Preserve Your Smile
Are you doing enough to make sure your smile stays attractive through the years? Protecting yourself against enamel stains will obviously be important. You also want to watch out for problems that cause wear and tear, or leave you with a chipped or cracked tooth. Another area of concern is actually the health of your […]