Are you quite a fan of energy drinks? Are you someone who makes it through the day (or stays up late at night) thanks to these beverages? In whatever form and frequency you choose to indulge, it’s important to recognize that in plain and simple terms, they are not good for your oral health. Not […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Q&A: Water And Your Smile!
Do you have some idea that drinking water is good for you and your oral health but you’re not completely sure why? Are you certain about whether water in all scenarios is good for your smile or not? To assist you in learning more about your intake of H20, how to make beneficial choices, and […]
3 Tips: Facial Protection
Didn’t ever give much thought to protecting your face? When you’re in contact with our dental team, this is something you will hear about quite a lot! Particularly during the month of April, which (among other things) is National Facial Protection Month. If you haven’t considered the possible injuries that can happen as the result […]
Dental Hygiene And Travel
There’s something about going out of town that can truly throw your usual habits into a tailspin. Unfortunately, when it comes to keeping your oral health safe, this is not the type of thing you want to happen (especially when you’re doing your best to enjoy yourself and relax). To ensure you can get away […]
3 Reasons To Stop Complaining About Dental Hygiene
Have you been complaining an awful lot about dental hygiene lately? What seems to be the problem? Do you complain that you don’t have time to brush and floss? Are your fingertips falling asleep during flossing, so you just can’t stand doing it anymore? Feel like every time you go to the store, you seem […]
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Dry Mouth: What’s Happening?
If you were asked to use a single word to describe what your mouth has been feeling like on a regular basis, which term would you choose? Would it be: Desert, parched, cottony, sticky, dry? If you came up with one of these (or something similar), you may be dealing with dry mouth. While you […]
Dental Hygiene Is No Match For GERD
Are you pretty certain that you’re suffering from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? Do you figure that the acid you can taste in your mouth is probably not very good for your oral health but you hope as long as you brush and floss regularly, you’ll be in good shape? Unfortunately, dental hygiene is no match […]
Baby Teeth: Is Dental Hygiene Essential?
Are you unsure about whether dental hygiene is actually necessary for baby teeth? The short answer to that question is that it is absolutely essential. As for the reasons, get ready to be a bit surprised! Beyond ensuring your child’s smile looks beautiful, feels good, and remains healthy are some details regarding development, function, and […]
3 Things To Purchase For Kids’ Hygiene
When you shop for yourself, you have a very particular brand of preferences that you’ve accumulated and polished over the years. However, if your kids were to shop for themselves, they might not have such a refined palate just yet. As a result, it can be a bit difficult to choose things that you think […]
Simple Steps For Added Perio Protection
There are so very many ways you can protect your perio health that you may jump for joy if you’ve been worrying about gum disease. Surprisingly, when you’re brushing as we suggest, flossing as we recommend, and coming in for dental visits and checkups, you’re not exhausting your options just yet. Yes, you’re doing a […]