As long as you feel self-conscious about certain smile flaws, it can be difficult for you to feel comfortable with your general appearance. When you try to hide those flaws from view, it can affect how you present yourself socially, and how comfortable you are with photographs, leading to more frustration and discomfort. Fortunately, while […]
Can Dental Crowns Imitate Healthy Teeth?
If your tooth is no longer healthy, it can take the placement of a dental filling or dental crown to provide lasting protection. As welcome as it can be to have an active problem addressed, you may worry that treatment will alter your smile in ways that hurt your overall appearance. You can be relieved […]
Removing Bacteria From Your Teeth Roots
The roots of our teeth are covered by our periodontal tissues, but oral bacteria can still make their way beneath those tissues. As they build up on your roots, they can cause concerning problems for your health. Fortunately, when these problems are caught in time, they can be addressed through preventive services provided at your […]
A Conservative Approach To Cosmetic Work
If you do not take the idea of cosmetic work seriously because you believe it will take too much time, or because you worry about what it will do to your tooth structure, a conversation with your Ankeny, IA dentist can be beneficial. Our practice can provide different approaches to cosmetic treatment. In some cases, […]
Booking Dental Visits As A Family
The health of your child’s smile is important, just as your own smile health matters. In many ways, parents and kids have the same needs when it comes to managing their oral health. However, there are certain key differences in how their care should be approached. Is it possible for you to find one dental […]
Will Cavity Treatment Change Your Smile?
The longer you wait to do something about a cavity, the more likely you are to experience complications that have to be addressed to restore your well-being. That being said, you can feel uneasy about treatment because you are unsure of what your procedure will do to your smile. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, […]
Recommending Implant-Held Restorations
How much good can prosthetic dental work really do when it comes to restoring both your appearance and oral health? Can you expect a restoration to provide more than just a desirable cosmetic improvement? At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we can provide different recommendations for the permanent restoration of an incomplete smile. One option […]
Receiving Feedback About Your Oral Health
It may seem like you have nothing to worry about when it comes to your oral health. After all, when you have a reliable dental hygiene routine in place and no worries about the appearance of your smile, it can seem as if there is no reason to schedule routine services. What you should know […]
More Effective Gum Disease Prevention
Recognizing the importance of your periodontal health will help you avoid potentially serious issues with your general well-being. It will also help you protect and preserve your full smile. One way to protect yourself is to keep up with good brushing and flossing efforts, as this will remove bacteria before they can accumulate on your […]
3 Problems Poor Oral Hygiene Can Cause
To put it simply, you face several potential oral health risks when you do not take smile care seriously. Shortcomings in your hygiene routine make you vulnerable to the buildup of both remnants of foods and drinks you consume and oral bacteria. As these materials build up, you can experience trouble with your oral health […]