When you lose even one tooth, you can experience more difficulties than you initially realize. One difficulty is a compromised bite function. When you are no longer able to bite and chew in a way that feels natural and comfortable, several issues can arise. One is that you may find it hard to bite and […]
Your Interest In Tooth Bonding Treatment
Even if your smile is healthy, you may be reluctant to share it with the world because of a conspicuous flaw, or because of several flaws, that make you self-conscious. Through tooth bonding treatment, your Ankeny, IA dentist can take on several problems patients might have with the way they look. Our practice can recommend […]
Bringing Your Family To One Dental Office
While everyone in your family should have access to quality dental care, you and your kids can require different types of care from your dentist. Because of this, people sometimes assume they will not be able to find one practice that can offer the right support to everyone. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we […]
Understanding Periodontal Cleanings
During a typical dental visit, a patient will receive an evaluation as well as a teeth cleaning. These services provide helpful feedback as well as protection against tartar and plaque buildup. For some patients, more than the standard cleaning is appropriate. If you show signs of gingivitis during your evaluation, your Ankeny, IA dentist can […]
Dental Cleanings And Your Oral Hygiene
You should take time out of each day to protect your teeth and gums from harmful oral bacteria and the particles from different foods and beverages you have consumed. While you are your first line of defense for your smile, you are not the only person who is ready to take care of you and […]
Implant Dentistry And Incomplete Smiles
Living without your full smile can lead to frustration. There are many reasons for this, but any one of the problems this issue causes merits real concern. In other words, this is not the kind of problem you want to simply ignore! Your Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is prepared to help you deal with this […]
Planning Conservative Cosmetic Work
If your goal is to arrange cosmetic dental work that will make big changes to your appearance, will you have to commit to a long or involved series of treatments? Many people, particularly those who have several flaws that affect the way they look, may feel intimidated by the idea of what they think cosmetic […]
Tartar Buildup And Your Gum Health
Each day, you should follow a routine for cleaning your teeth that includes both brushing and flossing. When you do so, you remove plaque, food debris, and other harmful materials that can cause problems for your well-being. However, over time you may experience issues with the buildup of tartar. At routine dental exams and cleanings […]
Improving Your Oral Hygiene Habits
If you have good oral hygiene habits in place, you can protect yourself against he sort of issues that make a visit to the dentist’s office necessary. The right daily habits include brushing and flossing – by caring for your smile consistently and eating a smart diet, you reduce your risk for cavities and other […]
Scheduling Your Child’s Dental Checkups
As soon as a child’s teeth start to arrive, they will be vulnerable to dental decay. Of course, younger children can obviously lack the capacity to care for their teeth on their own for several years, making parents responsible for the maintenance of their oral health. While you will provide important daily care for your […]