There you are, going through life without a care in the world, maybe driving to work, enjoying your favorite sport, or enjoying your favorite biking trail when, suddenly, it happens. A sudden collision, a softball to the face, or a spill off your bike knocks out one of your permanent teeth! Sudden dental trauma resulting […]
Category: Dental Implants
3 Life-Changing Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants are nothing new. In fact, the first dental implant was placed back in the early 1960s and this method for replacing teeth grew slowly until the 1980s, when they truly gained popular acclaim. In contrast to dental bridges and dentures, dental implants replace the total structure of a missing tooth (or teeth), both […]
Build Your Knowledge: Dental Implant Basics
Dentists, periodontists and oral surgeons spend a lot of time studying dental implants, but it isn’t a subject that comes up in most people’s conversations. A dental implant is a restorative treatment that replaces a missing tooth. Armed with some basics facts and important vocabulary words, you will have the inside track when it comes […]
Quiz Yourself on Dental Implants with Ankeny Dentist
Missing teeth takes a toll on an individual’s self esteem, facial structure, and oral health. Dr. Foust wants her patients to know they don’t have to live with missing teeth. Dental implants are becoming the leading choice for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants replace the tooth root with a prosthetic tooth root, giving them independent […]
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What if Replacement Teeth Had Roots?
You can’t always hide the fact that you’re missing one or more teeth, especially if they were at the front of your smile. Until they’re replaced, the gaps will remain, affecting your confidence as much as they affect your ability to bite, chew, and enunciate properly. Still, most conventional replacement teeth can only replace the […]
A Better Way to Support Your Dental Bridge
The dental bridge is one of the earliest forms of prosthetic dentistry (the art of replacing lost or extracted teeth). While dentures are well-known for replacing entire rows of lost teeth, dental bridges are designed to restore the smiles of patients who’ve only lost a single tooth, or a few teeth in a consecutive row. […]
How to Improve Every Dental Prosthetic
Tooth loss happens so frequently, you might confuse it as being a natural part of aging. If you expect it, then it might not be so shocking if it happens to you. However, teeth serve a vital purpose by preparing your food for digestion, as well as upholding the structures surrounding your mouth. With the […]
FAQs: How Can Dentures Improve My Smile?
Do you have multiple missing teeth? If so, you’re far from alone. In fact, according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, over 26% of adults over 74 have lost all of their natural teeth. Losing your teeth can be debilitating. Thankfully, you can still obtain a full and healthy smile with implant dentures. […]
What are the Benefits of Implant Dentures?
According to the American Association of Implant Dentistry, over 30 million people in the United States have lost all of their teeth. Tooth loss affects much more than just your appearance. Without your teeth, you can experience a major reduction in your quality of life. To replace your missing teeth, your . With implant dentures, a […]
Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges: Similarities and Differences
If you have lost one or more teeth, you’re not alone. Millions of adults experience tooth loss at some point in their lives. Many patients are surprised to discover the impact that losing even a single tooth can have on their quality of life. Fortunately, Ankeny IA dentist Dr. Amanda Foust points out that you have options. […]
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