The Right Tools For Preventing And Fighting Gingivitis

What are you currently doing to protect yourself against the onset of gingivitis? Protecting yourself against gum disease is an important aspect of your overall approach to preventive dental care. When an infection occurs, there are potentially serious consequences that you may experience, particularly if the problem is given the time to worsen. Some support […]

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Why Are You Struggling With Frustrating Dental Sensitivity?

If you are dealing with teeth that feel intrusively sensitive, it may be difficult to enjoy items that are hot or cold. In some cases, patients with sensitivity can feel uncomfortable when trying to enjoy anything sweet! Issues with sensitivity can have different causes. If your discomfort is located in a particular tooth, it may […]

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What Impact Can Oral Hygiene Have On Your General Health?

Sure, brushing and flossing your teeth will help you avoid cavities, but what else can your oral hygiene routine do for you? Protecting your teeth and gums from harm can be more beneficial to your general health than you might expect. If problems develop with your smile, complications can have surprising impact on your overall […]

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