Professional dental cleanings are vital to keeping your smile healthy and beautiful for life. In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth every day, visiting our Ankeny, IA, dental office for routine cleanings is the only way to prevent plaque and tartar from overwhelming your teeth and gums. However, in some cases, routine dental cleaning […]
Category: Gum Disease
Gum Disease: More Serious Than You Think!
Of course, there are some big problems you already know all about and you are well aware that they can cause some very serious issues for your oral health! While you may have your own list going in your mind that’s completely accurate, our Ankeny, IA team would like to highlight the fact that though […]
Gingivitis And Your Future: Key Factors!
Your future is most certainly something that can include a very healthy smile, healthy gums, and it doesn’t have to include any damage, trauma, or upset as the result of gingivitis. With that said, you may be excited to hear that keeping your gums healthy is easy but you may also not really know how […]
Overlooked Ways To Prevent Periodontal Problems
When the topic is preventing periodontal problems, you may feel that the answer is a straightforward one in terms of avoiding it altogether: Brush, floss, and maintain twice-annual visits with us for cleanings. This is true! However, there’s more than meets the eye! While the idea of keeping your smile as clean as possible is […]
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Hey, Why Does My Gum Tissue Look Puffy?
Well now, the answer to the question, is something that we can answer one of many different ways! Of course, there’s a chance that you need our dental care to fix a disease-related concern with your gingival tissue! On the other hand, it’s entirely possible that you have just seriously irritated this delicate part of […]
Your Perio Health: Today, Tomorrow, Into The Future
Of course, you have some idea that your perio health is extremely important. After all, your gums and your teeth both need to be healthy in order for you to be able to enjoy complete oral health, so tending to gum issues is one key factor. However, you may not have a full scope of […]
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The FAQs: Traditional Cleaning Or Deep Cleaning
When you see that we offer dental cleanings but you also know we offer deep cleanings, you may find yourself feeling quite flummoxed. Well, you think to yourself, do you need the traditional type of cleaning or the deep one? Is this something that you are supposed to decide or is this something that our […]
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How to Avoid Making Your Gum Disease Worse
Gum disease is one of the most common dental health issues that adults deal with, and it could potentially lead to serious complications for your oral health. That’s because, in its severe stages, gum disease becomes the biggest risk factor in tooth loss. At our Ankeny, IA, dental office, we can help you avoid making […]
3 Signs that It’s Time for Perio Treatment
While preventive dental care like routine checkups and cleanings should always be scheduled regularly, others are designed to address specific problems as they arise, and before they can grow more severe. For example, when patients at our Ankeny, IA, dental office exhibit signs of gingivitis, or early gum disease, we often recommend custom perio treatment […]
Gum Disease And Holiday Time: A Recipe For Disaster!
Yes, we love providing you with as much pre-support for holiday time as possible. Why is that, you ask? Well, because we know from dealing with patients for years and years that this time of year can be lovely and tranquil … or it can be fraught with preventable oral health problems that lead to […]
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