Are you familiar with the reasons you may need a deep cleaning for your smile? Do you find that though you have a general understanding, it seems the details tend to elude you? When you’re getting a bit mixed up with terms and you’re not really sure what to expect, it’s time to fill up […]
Category: Gum Disease
Q&A: Perio Problems And Pregnancy
When you are pregnant, you find out that there are a lot of changes happening with your body. Some little, some big, and many completely unexpected. From a dental standpoint, an important topic to keep in mind is the fact that pregnancy may affect your periodontal health in a not-so-friendly way. Keep in mind, you […]
Children And Gum Disease
After you learn all about what can come from gum disease, one of the last things you like thinking about is your child requiring periodontal care. While you like to imagine your child’s smile is completely immune to the devastating effects of periodontal problems, your gut is likely telling you this isn’t quite accurate. Allow us […]
2 Times It’s Not Periodontal Disease
The more you become familiar with periodontal disease, the better you will be at recognizing symptoms and remembering that your dental checkups are a very important aspect of prevention. What you might not be so great at yet is recognizing that there are some problems that may lead to discomfort, irritation, and inflammation that are […]
Neglecting Gingivitis: A Slippery Slope
You may wonder why we are so serious about gum disease. Isn’t it just some inflammation, you wonder? Isn’t the big problem tooth decay and all that can come with it? As a matter of fact, protecting your gum health is just as important as protecting your teeth. Without your gums and the other tissues […]
Periodontal Details: What Does It All Mean?
When we inform you that you should schedule periodontal treatment with our practice, your reaction is likely going to be a multi-faceted one. Of course, patients immediately feel relieved that there’s a solution to the negative changes impacting their oral health. Then, however, they realize they have a surprisingly long list of questions. Isn’t there […]
Why Periodontal Disease Happens To You
Do you think you have all of the details straight when it comes to what might cause you to develop periodontal disease? Did you assume that it’s strictly the result of poor dental hygiene only to find that a friend who seems to care for her teeth just like you manages to maintain excellent oral health […]
Is A Deep Cleaning Always Enough?
When you learn that you need a deep cleaning to address your gum disease, you may assume that it will fix everything. However, it’s important to recognize that depending on the severity of your periodontal concerns, this advanced cleaning may be all that you need or it may act as the starting point for more […]
Deep Cleanings: Your FAQs
You might be aware of the fact that there are traditional dental cleanings and deep cleanings. However, beyond the fact that there are two main types of cleanings, you may not know much more about which one you need, the differences between the two, etc. To help you feel more educated regarding your preventive care […]
Periodontal Treatment: Your Insurance Questions
When you find out that you are suffering from gum disease or even gingivitis, you will need immediate treatment. Since the particular level of periodontal treatment you require may vary (and since different patients have different insurance plans), it isn’t possible for us to lay out universal costs and coverage details that apply to everyone. […]
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