You might think of dental sealants as just another routine procedure. As a result, it might be one of those things you think is a good idea but that you put on the back burner. We understand that the additional cost and time can make providing your child with sealants something that is not at […]
Category: Children’s Dentistry
FAQs: Kids And Wisdom Teeth
You know somewhere in the back of your mind that when it comes to your children’s dental care, at some point, you may need to be prepared to deal with wisdom teeth. However, you likely do your best to push this far, far into those mental recesses because you want your kids to stay little […]
Children’s Dental Care And Your Busy Schedule
We know that if you are a very busy parent, trying to fit children’s dental care into your already extraordinary jigsaw puzzle of a schedule can start to feel like an insurmountable task. Of course, you know that preventive care is absolutely necessary (but that doesn’t make it feel any less stressful). In an effort […]
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Kids And Dental Hygiene: 2 Very Normal Issues
Feeling a little frustrated about dental hygiene because your kids just aren’t making it the easiest twice-daily ritual in the world? Don’t worry. It’s not just you! It’s very common for it not to go smoothly in the beginning and things will absolutely get easier. For now, consider a couple things that may worry you […]
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Halloween Fun: Prepping Kids For Good Habits
It would be so lovely if you could just let your kids go wild on Halloween. No need to monitor the amount of candy or the type. No need to make sure they brush their teeth afterwards or go to bed before 2:00am. Yes, that’s a beautiful dream! However, since that’s not exactly realistic, and […]
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Kids And Fluorosis: Answering Your Questions!
When you have little ones, you hear all sorts of things about protecting their health, things that could go wrong, things you should be doing, and the list continues. If you have been talking about fluorosis and your child’s smile with a friend or relative, then you may suddenly find that you’re full of questions. […]
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Dental Hygiene: What Are Your Kids Mimicking?
As with just about anything else that they observe, your little kids are learning about dental hygiene from you. While it’s easy to sometimes forget that your children are little sponges, soaking up every detail that they see, it’s important to remember that this is true! As a result, we encourage you to think through […]
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Dental Care: All In A School Day
When we see families for dental care, we know that parents have a tough time sending their kids off to school without dealing with a long list of concerns. In regard to protecting growing smiles, we are happy to do what we can to help ease your minds! Today, let’s talk about a few things […]
3 Reasons For A Before-School-Starts Preventive Visits
Have you been kicking around the idea of scheduling a preventive visit for your kids before it’s time to head back to school but the days keep passing you by? If you’re considering it, we strongly encourage you to make it a reality. Give us a call, schedule those cleanings and checkups, and you will […]
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Children’s Dental Care: Making It Special
When it comes to your own smile care, you’ve likely spent several years working out the kinks and figuring out just what it takes for you to feel dedicated and motivated enough to brush, floss, schedule visits, and more. When it comes to your kids, however, your little ones are going to need some assistance […]