Effective Oral Care Calls For More Than Just Brushing

Without effective brushing habits in place, it can be difficult to stop problems that require restorative dental work. Infrequent, rushed, or otherwise flawed approaches to brushing your teeth can make it hard to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, which can lead to cavities as well as gum disease. While the importance of smart brushing habits […]

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How Can You Tell If You Need To Replace Your Toothbrush?

Is your toothbrush still up to the task of protecting your smile? As time passes, repeated brushing can begin wearing down a toothbrush’s bristles, making them less effective at clearing away bacteria and food debris. One thing you should do to stay safe against problems like tooth decay and gum disease is regularly replace brushes […]

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Good Oral Hygiene Can Do More For You Than You Might Expect

There are obvious reasons to take care of your smile – you can avoid cavities that require restorative dental work, and you can stop gingivitis from developing. What might surprise you to hear is that there are less obvious reasons to focus on maintaining your oral health, too. Did you know that periodontal problems can […]

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