Can Issues Like Fatigue And Stress Affect Your Oral Health?

Under ideal circumstances, you may feel confident that your oral care routine is more than capable of protecting you against problems with tooth decay and gum disease. Unfortunately, “ideal circumstances” can be elusive at times, which means people are often trying to focus on their oral health needs while also contending with problems like stress, […]

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3 Dental Problems That Should Be Addressed Promptly

If you want to preserve a healthy and attractive smile, you should treat potential oral health issues like serious concerns. If you think something is affecting the health of a tooth, or if you are struggling with dental discomfort, a problem can worsen over time if it is not addressed through the appropriate restorative dental […]

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What Impact Can Oral Hygiene Have On Your General Health?

Sure, brushing and flossing your teeth will help you avoid cavities, but what else can your oral hygiene routine do for you? Protecting your teeth and gums from harm can be more beneficial to your general health than you might expect. If problems develop with your smile, complications can have surprising impact on your overall […]

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Responsibly Removing Something Stuck Between Your Teeth

Having something stuck between your teeth can certainly be irritating. Fortunately, in many situations food debris can be removed with little difficulty by flossing. However, there times when something wedged between your teeth can be more difficult to address. If you are tempted to remove an item that resists flossing, be careful – the wrong […]

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