When you’re making every effort to provide your smile with optimal dental hygiene, it can be quite disheartening to end up with a cavity, sensitivity, or any other sign that something isn’t quite right with your home care. We encourage you to take a moment to focus on your brushing. With the help of a […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Quiz: Choosing Dental Hygiene Products
Do you feel curious about choosing your dental hygiene products and whether you’re making good decisions? Perhaps you also wonder if, as long as you select something from the hygiene aisle at your local drugstore, any decision is a good decision. As a matter of fact, it’s possible to make choices for the products you […]
3 Goals Of Preventive Visits
Have you ever given much thought to why you are supposed to schedule a preventive dentistry visit one time every six months? Do you ever think to yourself that once every six months seems too frequent? Perhaps you are like many patients and assume that the main reason we ask to see you is to […]
3 Ways To Protect Children’s Smiles
Are you finding that you feel more and more concerned about the state of your child’s oral health? Does this have something to do with the fact that though you feel you’re doing your best, you worry there’s more you could be doing to promote a healthy smile? Never fear, we are here to help […]
Spotting Signs Of Bruxism
Bruxism is a term for habitual, unconscious teeth grinding, which can occur most often while you sleep. Because bruxism is more frequent during sleep, sufferers may not realize that it is occurring. Symptoms that suggest possible teeth grinding included, headaches, jaw stiffness, and damage to teeth. If you find your self waking up to these […]
What Happens At A Checkup And Cleaning?
When was the last time you visited the dentist for a routine exam? What may seem like minor procedures, having your teeth cleaned and examined can actually help prevent the onset of serious oral health problems. What happens at a checkup and cleaning? Why are these preventive visits so crucial for maintaining a healthy and […]
How To Brush And Floss Correctly
Do you know how to brush and floss correctly? This may seem like a simple enough task, but many are unaware that they aren’t caring for their teeth properly. Even if you brush and floss everyday you might not be receiving the benefits you need to avoid the onset of tooth decay and gum disease […]
Why Do My Teeth Hurt?
Do you suffer from a persistent toothache? If so, you may be wondering, “Why do my teeth hurt?” When you experience discomfort in your tooth this is often a warning signs of a serious problem. Without treatment you run the risk of developing an infection, one that could endanger the stability of your smile. […]
Why Is Your Breath Bad?
You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that strong foods, such as garlic and onions, are common causes of bad breath. However, food doesn’t explain why your breath is less than pleasant immediately after waking in the morning, or other times when your breath may be offensive but you haven’t eaten anything especially foul-smelling. Regardless […]
Do You Have Bruxism?
If you have a sore jaw or your teeth ache, then you may be grinding your teeth. Also known as bruxism, this oral health issue can have serious consequences for your smile. Do you have bruxism? Do you need treatment to protect your smile from the pressures of teeth grinding? […]