Are you or your family members in need of dental care but instead of calling us to schedule visits, you feel at a loss because you don’t have dental insurance? You’re well aware of the significance of prevention and addressing problems that arise but without coverage, you worry that caring for your smile with professional […]
Considering Meditation? It Can Help You With Stress And Dental Anxiety.
You may think that meditating is something that’s only for monks and yogis but that it’s certainly not for you. However, as you begin researching it, you discover that it’s actually all about relaxing your mind and body, clearing your brain of chatter, and achieving mental calm. It’s not magical or for any particular type […]
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Oral Health: Moisten Up That Mouth!
There may be a very simple reason your mouth is not sufficiently moist (which is what we refer to as dry mouth). Before you jump to any conclusions and worry that something is very off with your oral health, we suggest you begin at the very beginning. There are often super simple causes of a […]
Warm Weather: Let’s Talk Drinks And Smile Health
As warm weather approaches, you’re more likely to find yourself reaching for something cool and refreshing to drink, seeking out something to hydrate you, carrying around a beverage that tastes oh-so-yummy at a cookout, and more. While it’s easy to get lost in your particular event or activity and focus on the fact that you’re […]
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Afternoon Movie Series: Rom-Com Classics
Have you attended any of the library’s movie series events? Whether you’re already a big fan or if this is news to you, you’re not going to want to miss out on the newest theme: It’s the Afternoon Movie Series: Rom-Com Classics, so mark your day planners! […]
Damaged Enamel: Why It Really Matters
You may hear that drinking too much fruit juice can damage your dental enamel. You may have been told to treat your bruxism because it can hurt this part of your smile. However, when you’re not filled in on the details regarding why it’s so important to keep the outer layer of your teeth safe […]
Dental Crowns: Things You Don’t Need To Worry About
There’s pretty much nothing to worry about in regard to dental crowns. However, we know that when you don’t know something, you cannot help but feel a bit hesitant or concerned. So, to help you feel wonderful about selecting a crown for your tooth, we remind you that we’re always more than happy to provide […]
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Older Americans Month 2018 And Your Smile
Did you know that May is Older Americans Month? If not, then you also weren’t aware that this year’s theme is “Engage at Every Age.” From our perspective, this means a lot in reference to your smile care. We often hear from patients that they are worried they are too old for particular treatments, that […]
Your Toothpaste: Why You Are Grossed Out
It’s not good to feel bad about your toothpaste. When you’re wishing you could avoid an essential dental hygiene item, you’re headed for problems like missing hygiene sessions, which will most certainly yield cavities, etc. So, what is one to do when just the thought of toothpaste is completely repulsive? We think we have some […]
Ankeny Dog Park Pooch Pawty
Have you ever been to any of our community’s pooch parties? If not, the upcoming Ankeny Dog Park Pooch Pawty is sure to melt your heart and put a smile on your face. Dog lovers, don’t miss this one (and remember, your dog is invited!). […]