Is Your Child at a Greater Risk for Cavities?

By the age of 60, over 90% of adults have been affected by tooth decay in at least one permanent tooth, while cavities remain the number one chronic disease among school-aged children. Its prevalence is unfortunate, considering that with adequate oral hygiene and proper care, tooth decay is largely preventable. To help reduce cavity statistics, […]

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Ankeny Dentist on the Causes of Gum Recession

People who are considered “long in the tooth” have been around for a long time and are very experienced. The expression came about because those people can literally be “long in the tooth.” More of their teeth are showing because of gum recession. Your Ankeny family dentist, Dr. Amanda Foust, discusses this natural process and what patients […]

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Ankeny Dentist Discusses Diabetes and Oral Health

As November comes to an end, it is important to pause and reflect that this month has been American Diabetes Month. Nearly 26 million Americans suffer from this disease, and millions more are at risk of developing it. An often-overlooked component in controlling diabetes is maintaining good oral health. Your Ankeny family dentist, Dr. Amanda […]

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Ankeny Dentist Discusses Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Throughout America, people begin preparing for their holiday travels. Family gatherings, holiday parties, and seasonal events will all kick up soon. Pumpkins, cranberries, turkeys, and the like will all grace the tops of serving tables throughout Ankeny and beyond. November also serves as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in the United States. Currently, over 13% of the […]

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Eruption Cyst Quiz with Ankeny Dentist

Parenting can overwhelm even the most experienced nurturers. Noticing odd lesions or cysts in the mouths of infants can leave parents worried, anxious, or confused about potential treatment for their young children. One visible dental issue seen at an early age involves eruption cysts. These cysts appear bluish in most cases, but can present themselves […]

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Discover Safe Tooth Whitening at Home in Ankeny

A lackluster smile can negatively impact a person’s confidence level. Many patients report covering their mouth when they smile due to embarrassment caused by yellowing or stained teeth. A laundry list of foods and beverages exist which contribute to staining and discoloration. Many people are aware that coffee and red wine stain teeth, but soy […]

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