Dental discomfort is a problem that can interfere with your activities throughout the day. While it can be difficult to ignore, it is something people sometimes hesitate to bring to their dentist’s attention. You may hope that it will simply go away on its own, or that you can avoid pain and sensitivity issues by […]
3 Flaws Tooth Bonding Treatment Can Address
A flaw that affects your smile does not have to be significant to be a serious problem. One misshapen, damaged, or discolored tooth that mars your appearance can cause you plenty of concern. Fortunately, this is something that your Ankeny, IA dentist can carefully resolve through conservative cosmetic treatment. To resolve these isolated issues, we […]
Do I Need A Dental Or Periodontal Cleaning?
At a routine dental exam, your dentist may identify problems that call for a periodontal cleaning. What makes this service different from the typical dental cleaning is that it removes bacteria that are starting to gather and multiply under your gum line, removing a threat that is responsible for gingivitis. The benefit to doing this […]
Seeking Treatment For Tooth Pain
Few problems can motivate a person to visit their dentist like tooth pain. The discomfort can be bad enough on its own, but it can be especially troubling to deal with an issue that stops you from eating, and may even make speaking more difficult. Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is ready to help patients […]
Returning To Routine Dental Care
There are different reasons why people take a break from routine dental checkups. While one person may be new to their area and unsure of who to turn to, another may feel that their healthy teeth are safe enough from problems to make appointments unnecessary. Unfortunately, that break can lead to problems in time. If […]
Can A Dental Bridge Absorb Bite Pressure?
Losing a tooth does more than just hurt your smile – the absence leaves you vulnerable to losing more teeth, and it can also seriously compromise your bite function. When you look into how you can restore your full smile, you can hope to undergo treatment that improves the way you look as well as […]
Your Dentist Can Warn You About Gum Disease
There are signs of poor periodontal health that you can notice on your own. However, you should not assume that you have no problems just because you have not noticed any issues that have you concerned. Even when you are confident in the health of your smile, you should consistently see your dentist for routine […]
Take Advantage Of Access To Preventive Care
Our Ankeny, IA dental office is a comprehensive family practice, and we work with many different insurance plans. Taking advantage of the benefits available to you can help you protect yourself against problems that might lead to a true dental emergency, one that can push you into a visit on short notice. Making the most […]
Making Smile Changes With Conservative Care
If you are unhappy with your smile right now, you may hold off on asking about treatment because you fear too much work will be involved. However, for many people, a conservative change to their tooth structure can deliver fantastic improvements! At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we can discuss cosmetic services that can make […]
General Dental Services And Your Family
At every general dental appointment, your Ankeny, IA dentist can provide important preventive care for your smile, along with helpful warnings when you might need to schedule follow-up care. What you should know is that patients of all ages benefit from these routine services, and that we can provide support for both parents and their […]