Do you have a checklist that you carry around with you, so you never forget a single detail about your oral health? We didn’t think so! While we don’t expect you (nor encourage you) to become completely obsessed with your smile, we do encourage you to check in with it every now and then (and […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Children’s Smiles: Things To Do This Summer
Do you have young children? Teenage children? How about adult children? If you’re still taking care of their smile health needs, then you will probably want to take a moment to step back before summer swallows you up with its enchanting, overwhelming fun and consider this: You’ve got a summer to-do list regarding your children’s […]
Dental Care Rumors: When The Opposite Is True
As you’ve likely noticed during your years on this planet, people come up with rumors about just about everything. While you may not have imagined it possible, there are even rumors about dental care! Believe it or not, this can end up swaying you one way or the other as you make decisions that apply […]
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A Few Things Saliva Does For You
Have you ever wondered why your mouth needs to be so moist, if saliva even has much of a true purpose, or if it’s something that just happens to be there? To help demystify this particular area of uncertainty, we are pleased to offer you a (possibly surprisingly) diverse list of the ways that this […]
Smile Health: Things We Know (That You Don’t)
As you might have guessed, there are a lot of things we know about oral health that you don’t know. This is because we are dental professionals! As a result, it’s always best to come see us for your twice-a-year dental checkups and when you think you may be in need of some additional help. […]
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Bumps Q&A: What Are They?
There are bumps on your teeth, bumps under your tongue, bumps along your tongue … bumps everywhere! So, what do these variations mean, exactly? Are you suffering from an oral health issue? Are you just seeing the natural, unique shape of your oral tissues? Fortunately, we can help by answering some common questions. If you’re […]
Tips For Successful Brushing
You know that a successful brushing session relies on some amount of particulars. However, if you’re not completely certain about what those particular details are, it can be difficult to finish brushing with any real sense of whether you’ve done an outstanding job or one that’s just so-so. Rather than feel that you’re fumbling your […]
Implants And Dental Hygiene: A Quiz
If you’re considering dental implants, you may wonder how choosing them may affect your dental hygiene. Will they make matters better? Worse? Just … different? It’s important to recognize that no matter what we provide you for your smile, it will never make your life more difficult. Instead, dental care will improve your oral health […]
3 Things To Remember About Sleep Apnea
If you’re someone who thinks you might be dealing with a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea, it might be time to do something about it. For starters, discovering whether this issue is affecting you (or if something else is causing your exhaustion, etc.) is a wise step. Not sure why this is such a […]
Diabetes: Why Your Dental Hygiene Matters
If you are someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes, you may have a lot on your mind when it comes to treating yourself. You may be thinking about your eating, your lifestyle in general, and considering treatments provided by your doctor. What you may overlook, though, is the fact that it’s important to think […]