If you’ve been hoping to find the perfect gift for that special someone this Valentine’s Day, consider the carefully and locally crafted goods at the From the Heart Vendor and Craft Show this weekend right here in Ankeny, IA. Then, consider giving yourself the perfect gift of a new and improved smile by taking advantage […]
Enjoy Cosmetic Dentistry With Minimal Tooth Alterations
If the idea of cosmetic dental work frightens you, it may be time to reevaluate what you might expect during a procedure. The idea of cosmetic work as a long and involved process, or something that requires serious changes to your tooth structure, often leads people to delay asking about a procedure that interests them. […]
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Enjoy Better Smile Protection With Regular Dental Exams
How effective is the smile care routine you currently have in place? Are you taking time out of each day to both brush and floss your teeth? Doing so helps you fight the buildup of bacteria that can lead to plaque and tartar development, and ultimately give you support against tooth decay and gum disease. […]
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Tips To Help You Care For Your Smile While You Feel Sick
On your best day, you may feel more than up to the task of taking care of your smile. Unfortunately, not every day can be a “best” day. On days when you feel under the weather, it can be hard to motivate yourself to take care of basic responsibilities that normally give you no trouble. […]
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Our Dental Practice Can Support Entire Families
In many circumstances, kids and parents have different needs. For example, young children in particular have earlier bedtimes, regular naps, and often receive different meal options. There are several examples of kids requiring a different approach to oral health care, too. During pediatric dental visits, kids can receive more instructions on proper oral hygiene, and […]
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Live Music Events Tonight In Ankeny
While you’re singing along at one of the many live music events being hosted in our Ankeny, IA, community tonight, make sure you’re showing off your best smile by remembering to schedule your first checkup and cleaning of the year at Dental Impressions of Ankeny! […]
Ask Your Dentist Questions About Bonding And Contouring
If a procedure is capable of dramatically changing the way you look, you may assume that it will have to involve a serious time commitment, and may lead to drastic changes to your tooth structure. If you feel that way, you may have a hard time believing that a conservative bonding and contouring treatment can […]
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Addressing Sleep Apnea With An Oral Appliance
If you let sleep apnea go untreated, it can start to affect your health in more ways than you might expect. Sleep apnea interferes with your body’s ability to rest properly because it disrupts your rest cycle. As a result, you can start to exhibit the symptoms of sleep deprivation. You may feel irritable, distracted, […]
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Am I In Need Of A Deep Periodontal Cleaning?
Unless your dentist tells you otherwise, you should attend regular dental checkups every six months. On this semiannual schedule, you can count on undergoing a professional teeth cleaning, and having your smile closely checked by your Ankeny, IA dentist, at every appointment. So how often should you expect to undergo a focused periodontal cleaning? While […]
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How Much Work Will It Really Take To Restore My Tooth?
If your tooth is hurt, or damaged by decay, the problem can grow worse over time until it is treated. While enamel is a remarkably strong material, the unfortunate reality is that our bodies are limited in how they can address problems that affect our teeth. What this means is that when decay builds up […]
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