If you don’t like your dental floss, you might be having trouble convincing yourself to actually follow through on flossing. This makes sense! Unfortunately, patients frequently assume all floss is going to be the same, taste the same, present similar challenges, and therefore don’t put a whole lot of effort into seeking out floss that […]
3 Things You’ve Just Got To Brush
You know that you need to brush the outer surfaces of your teeth (the ones that face your lips, cheeks, etc.). Otherwise, your smile will end up becoming dirty and discolored. However, when you’re not working on protecting the esthetics of your smile with your toothbrush, you may accidentally overlook other areas that need twice-daily […]
Scrapbooking Club
What’s that you say when we ask if you are a scrapbooker? Do you blush because you technically are someone who has all the supplies and photos and accoutrement necessary for scrapbooking but you haven’t exactly put together a book for a very long time (or ever)? Not to worry! You’re in good company. If […]
Dental Bonding: Your Quick Review
If you’ve heard of dental bonding, then you may have already visited us to learn all about the ways it can improve your smile. You know that it’s quite the multi-tasker, capable of filling the spaces between teeth, covering up issues like little stains, making short teeth appear longer, fixing shape issues, and even fixing […]
Things You Think Incorrectly About Gingivitis
It’s easy to get the wrong idea about gingivitis. Unfortunately, once this happens, it’s also easy to fail to realize you’ve got a problem that can turn into a big deal (and not a good one) for your oral health. We invite you to take a stroll through some common misconceptions that you may be […]
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Learn About Bison and Elk in January
Is your family ready for a brisk day outside, learning about bison and elk? The Junior Ranger Naturalist Program at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge is a great way to introduce youngsters to these magnificent animals. The refuge is open for winter hours, and provides many opportunities to observe plants and wildlife throughout the […]
Choosing A Dentist When You Are New in Town
Will 2018 find you living in a new neighborhood or a new city or state? When you are looking for a dentist, it’s easy to let the decision overwhelm you. Forming a relationship with a dentist you trust is important for the regularly scheduled things (like checkups and cleanings). It’s also important to know who […]
Are You Hiding Your Smile? A Dental Visit Can Help!
This is the season for a lot of things, and photos with family and friends are high on the list. When you see the phones come out, and “say cheese!” is the expression of the day, is your first instinct to head in the other direction? There is no reason to let imperfections in your […]
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Need Perio Care? It Should Be Your #1 Resolution.
If you already know that you need attention for periodontal problems, then this should be your absolute number one priority for the New Year if it is not already. Think this sounds like a bit of an overstatement? It’s not! When you don’t treat this type of oral health concern, you’re playing with fire. Something […]
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Let’s Talk: Hard Candy
It’s holiday time, which means there’s a lot more hard candy floating around than usual. You see small hard candies wrapped in beautiful metallic paper. You receive candy canes left and right! It’s cozy, it’s delicious, but it leaves a bit to be desired when you’re trying to protect your dental health and the smiles […]