Watching out for signs of smile problems can help you avoid difficulties caused by severe oral health issues. Unfortunately, some issues can be difficult to spot on your own. For example, you may not realize that a cavity has formed until it grows serious enough to let an infection develop. When it comes to your […]
How Can I Improve My Discolored Smile?
When you look at your smile and feel that you cannot move past your embarrassment over dental discoloration, you should know that our Ankeny, IA dental office can help you. There are many cosmetic flaws that we are prepared to take on when our patients feel unhappy with the way they look. Dental discoloration is […]
Finding A Conservative Fix For A Dental Flaw
A problem with your smile that you can point to can rob you of confidence and make you unhappy with your overall appearance. If you are uneasy about treatment because you are not sure what it might involve, you should know that cosmetic improvements can occur after surprisingly conservative care! Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office […]
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Problems That Restorative Care Addresses
There are certain actions that should take place every time you schedule dental care, but some services are only required when there are active oral health problems that we need to resolve. Cavities can certainly require additional services, but this is just one of a number of issues that require more involved services from your […]
Combining Home Care With Dental Cleanings
Does your home smile care routine really do enough to keep your smile safe from harm? You should make effective oral hygiene efforts a priority each day, but you should also know that there are important benefits to professional teeth cleanings that you should not miss out on. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we […]
Undergoing Timely Restorative Dental Work
By committing to good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups, you can avoid potential problems with your health and appearance that require professional treatment. With that said, you should take matters seriously when you learn about issues with your smile; if something is wrong but remains untreated, there are serious consequences that you can face. […]
How Bruxism Disrupts Your Quality Of Life
When jaw pain and dental sensitivity feel like regular parts of your morning, it can be difficult to ignore the possibility that something is wrong. The persistent discomfort that you feel can warn you that you have a problem with bruxism—habitual teeth grinding—that is affecting your jaw and teeth during the night. The longer it […]
Reviewing The Benefits Of Tooth Bonding
While most of your teeth can be healthy, properly positioned, and bright, one that seems out of place because of its color, condition, or alignment can have outsized impact on your smile. Fortunately, taking on trouble with your appearance can require less time and fewer overall changes than you anticipate. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s […]
Problems Implant Dentistry Can Resolve
There are many problems that can stem from untreated tooth loss. A change in your smile is just one of many concerns you can have—it can also be difficult for you to bite and chew in a way that feels comfortable, you can find it more difficult to avoid the further losses of teeth, and […]
Should I Have An Older Filling Replaced?
The time and effort you put into protecting your smile will help you prevent the kinds of problems that do permanent harm to your teeth. Unfortunately, when cavities do form, the effect on your enamel is permanent, which is why a restoration has to remain in place. The good news is that your Ankeny, IA […]