Ankeny Dentist Observes Patient Safety Awareness Week

At Dental Impressions, your , Dr. Amanda Foust, believes in working hard to ensure the safety of our patients. The dentist becomes an extension of your family, someone you trust to help maintain the dental health of those closest to you. This is why Dr. Foust always makes a point to observe National Patient Safety […]

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Ankeny Dentist Discusses Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Throughout America, people begin preparing for their holiday travels. Family gatherings, holiday parties, and seasonal events will all kick up soon. Pumpkins, cranberries, turkeys, and the like will all grace the tops of serving tables throughout Ankeny and beyond. November also serves as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in the United States. Currently, over 13% of the […]

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Missing Teeth? Ankeny Dentist Addresses Tooth Loss with Dental Implants

Some people believe that tooth loss naturally occurs when a person ages. Despite this common misconception, your teeth are meant to last your entire life. Tooth loss is caused by gum disease, severe decay, and traumatic injury—not aging. Dr. Amanda Foust understands that tooth loss is emotionally distressing and works compassionately to restore the smiles […]

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