When you think about your dental cleaning that we suggest as part of your preventive care, do you feel like you’ve got the details sorted out? Do you generally receive this treatment like clockwork, while doing everything else required of you to protect your oral tissues? If you’re shrugging your shoulders and responding, “I guess […]
Bumps Q&A: What Are They?
There are bumps on your teeth, bumps under your tongue, bumps along your tongue … bumps everywhere! So, what do these variations mean, exactly? Are you suffering from an oral health issue? Are you just seeing the natural, unique shape of your oral tissues? Fortunately, we can help by answering some common questions. If you’re […]
Tips For Successful Brushing
You know that a successful brushing session relies on some amount of particulars. However, if you’re not completely certain about what those particular details are, it can be difficult to finish brushing with any real sense of whether you’ve done an outstanding job or one that’s just so-so. Rather than feel that you’re fumbling your […]
Chess Mix Evening
Are you quite the chess master? Not a champion so much as a complete beginner? Whatever the case, you are invited to come out for the community Chess Mix event, where you may join other enthusiasts for a fun way to spend the evening. […]
When You Don’t Want Any More Fillings
Sure, dental fillings are surprisingly convenient. They can stop your decay problem right away, leaving you with a tooth that’s restored and healthy again. They can look beautiful, thanks to our use of composite. They don’t take very long and they feel just fine, as well. However, with all of that said, it’s generally much […]
Q&A: Isn’t It Too Late For Dental Hygiene?
There are a lot of reasons you may think to yourself, “Isn’t it too late for dental hygiene?” Perhaps you think that it’s been such a long time, you might as well not even bother starting up again with brushing and flossing. Or, perhaps it’s more related to the current state of your smile (which […]
Implants And Dental Hygiene: A Quiz
If you’re considering dental implants, you may wonder how choosing them may affect your dental hygiene. Will they make matters better? Worse? Just … different? It’s important to recognize that no matter what we provide you for your smile, it will never make your life more difficult. Instead, dental care will improve your oral health […]
Dental Bonding: 3 Reasons To Improve Chips And Cracks
Have you noticed you have some small chips or very minor cracks in your teeth? If so, you might have already done a bit of research and realized that dental bonding can camouflage little esthetic concerns. However, you might wonder if it’s really worth following through with. Is there any convincing reason to come in […]
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Welcome To Medicare Event
Whether you or a loved one is about to become eligible for Medicare, you might assume it’s something you can quickly sign up for. Or, you may already recognize that there are multiple factors associated with Medicare and that it’s going to take a bit of education until you’re familiar with how to make it […]
3 Things To Remember About Sleep Apnea
If you’re someone who thinks you might be dealing with a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea, it might be time to do something about it. For starters, discovering whether this issue is affecting you (or if something else is causing your exhaustion, etc.) is a wise step. Not sure why this is such a […]