Dental implants are nothing new. In fact, the first dental implant was placed back in the early 1960s and this method for replacing teeth grew slowly until the 1980s, when they truly gained popular acclaim. In contrast to dental bridges and dentures, dental implants replace the total structure of a missing tooth (or teeth), both […]
Do You Have Bruxism?
If you have a sore jaw or your teeth ache, then you may be grinding your teeth. Also known as bruxism, this oral health issue can have serious consequences for your smile. Do you have bruxism? Do you need treatment to protect your smile from the pressures of teeth grinding? […]
Are Metal Dental Fillings Dangerous?
The earliest dental fillings, which were found in modern-day Slovenia, were made of beeswax and date back approximately 6500 years. In the early 19th century, British dentists developed an amalgam specifically for the repair of damaged teeth. American dentists were using amalgam fillings, which were made from a mixture of silver, mercury, and other metals, […]
Basic Dental Hygiene: A Guide
Culturally, we associate toothlessness with old age and a huge swath of the American population still believes that tooth loss is an inevitable part of growing older. That couldn’t be further from the truth and today’s dentists are working hard to let their patients know that with a little care and the right lifestyle, there’s […]
Cosmetic Dentistry Quick Guide
Have you ever assumed dental care could take care of your oral health but that when it comes to the beauty of your smile, you just have to accept what you’re born with? Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides you with a variety of solutions for making improvements to minor damage or the aspects of your smile […]
Your Concerns About Bonding
How much do you know about dental bonding? If you have been studying up on this cosmetic treatment that can address minor esthetic imperfections with your smile, you know that the treatment is quite simple and comfortable to apply. You have probably also come to find out that it’s an additive treatment in which we […]
Porcelain Veneer Placement: What To Expect
Choosing porcelain veneers to achieve a beautifully transformed smile is something that can truly improve your confidence. Veneers provide a varied, comprehensive offering of advantages, as well as long-term wear. However, just because you have settled on the cosmetic choice best suited to your needs does not mean you’re quite sure what to expect. We […]
Test Your Knowledge of Dental Contouring
Nobody likes to look in the mirror and feel unhappy with his or her smile. When it comes to problems that are extremely small, patients often feel overwhelmed on a variety of levels. First, they feel that their smile looks marred as the result of problems like asymmetry or small imperfections. In addition, because the […]
Build Your Knowledge: Dental Implant Basics
Dentists, periodontists and oral surgeons spend a lot of time studying dental implants, but it isn’t a subject that comes up in most people’s conversations. A dental implant is a restorative treatment that replaces a missing tooth. Armed with some basics facts and important vocabulary words, you will have the inside track when it comes […]
Have Your Teeth Lost Their Sparkle?
Smile brightness doesn’t turn off like a light bulb, but it can fade slowly until one day you look in the mirror and notice the shine in your smile is not what it used to be. This may be caused by the slow build up of stains from foods or beverages, or you may just […]