Help! Dental 911!

During this busy time of year, you don’t want your dental problems to interfere and delay your holiday fun. You can do everything you can to protect your smile, but accidents happen, and Dr. Foust is here to help you. Until you can get to our office, use a small first aid kit to relieve […]

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What is Your Dental Request?

If you deal with the public, you have probably addressed some crazy questions. Dentists hear some unusual questions from their patients, as well. Remember, no matter how crazy your request, Dr. Foust is here to help you! The Chicago Dental Society surveyed more than 300 members to discover some of the strangest requests people ask […]

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Lose Weight, Improve Your Gums

All the holiday celebrations can really add on the pounds. If one of your New Year resolutions is to lose weight, you’ll also be improving your gum health. Fat cells trigger inflammation, and your body is better at fighting disease, including gum disease, when those fat cells disappear. A study by the Case Western Reserve […]

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An Apple a Day Keeps the Dentist Away?

You’ve probably heard that “an apple a day will keep the doctor away,” but what about the dentist? December 1st is “Eat a Red Apple Day,” so it’s time to focus on how the fruit can affect your dental health. Fresh fruit contains lots of healthy nutrients, and apples, in particular, come in many varieties, […]

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Health Benefits of Holiday Spices

Some of your favorite holiday spices can add flavor to your meals. However, they also have wonderful scents and health benefits. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has medicinal curing properties. It is linked to helping people with type 2 diabetes. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily can reduce your blood sugar level, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol […]

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National Family Caregivers Month

More than 65 million people in the U.S. regularly care for a sick or elderly loved one. These people, called caregivers, are honored during the month of November for National Family Caregivers Month. What is National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM)? Family, friends, and neighbors who invest all of their free time to help their loved […]

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Top Influencers of Your Child’s Diet

Children are inclined to eat any food that looks yummy. Schools, television, and parents have a big influence on the food choices of kids. Many snacks, like sugary or fatty foods, as well as fast food, can harm their overall and dental health. Vending Machines Children spend a large portion of their day at school. […]

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Dental Health Before Bed

Before you lay down to sleep at night, what do you do for your dental health? Bedtime is a very vulnerable time for your mouth. While you sleep, your flow of saliva decreases because metabolism slows down. As a result, your mouth can become dry and inflamed, and bad bacteria multiply. Essentially, without the proper […]

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Smile Makeover Is No Illusion

What you see on TV and movies isn’t always real. We’re not just talking about the cool special effects that often defy gravity, explode wonders of the world, and morph humans and animals into one being. More than the obvious, many elements of TV and movie stars are digitally enhanced. Flaws are covered, stunt doubles […]

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Options for Dental Phobia

If you’re one of the many people who fear the dentist, there are effective ways to deal with your phobia. There’s no reason that your oral health has to be at risk. Neglecting regular dental checkups and cleanings is a serious gamble. Problems, such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer, only get worse […]

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