There’s something about doing an amazing job with your oral health and then heading into a fresh new year that can, oddly enough, cause you to lose steam rather than continue on with that momentum you’ve been enjoying. You might think that since you’ve been doing such a wonderful job, you have the luxury of […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
For The Love Of Eggnog! Drink Less Of It!
Yum! Your local dentist understands why you might absolutely love this time of year if you have a deep and unshakeable passion for eggnog. As you may have noticed, our Ankeny, IA team encourages you to drink a little less of it, if you can manage that! Or, of course, just become as mindful as […]
2 Things To Do Today (Or, Pre-Holiday At Least)
Your oral health is potentially not something you’re feeling very concerned about at the moment. Instead, you may be thinking about gift wrap, wondering if you have enough tape, and trying to figure out which of your orders have arrived and which are still on the way! Christmas is coming, after all, and there’s a […]
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Remind Yourself During These Moments: I Must Brush!
Sometimes, you don’t brush your teeth. Right? Well, if you happen to be someone who always brushes twice a day, then we offer you our applause and admiration! However, if you find that there are moments in which you just give in to whatever is going on that seems more important or pressing, then our […]
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2 Things That Your Consistent Dental Hygiene Accomplishes
You know that dental hygiene is something you perform every day, two times a day, to keep your smile healthy. While you understand that your dedication to consistency is key to good oral health and a beautiful smile, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some details getting lost in the mix. Do you know what […]
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3 Things You Should Be Able To Say When Getting In Bed
Our Ankeny, IA team always reminds you to practice your dental hygiene both in the morning and then in the evening. However, we’re not always incredibly specific about when in the evening or what should (or shouldn’t) happen between your second brushing and flossing session for the day and bedtime. The truth is, though, it’s […]
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Preventive Dental Care: Tips From Your Ankeny Dentist
Are you missing anything when it comes to your preventive dental care in Ankeny? Are you sure? If you’re shaking your head from side to side because you know that you brush and floss and you’re no stranger to our practice, we ask you to think again: Are you sure you’re not missing a detail […]
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2 Questions New Patients Should Feel Free To Ask!
Of course, you should feel free to ask us anything as a new patient (or a long standing patient). However, when you’re just getting started, we know that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and even easier to feel like you’re not entirely sure where to begin. Rather than getting bogged down by the many potential […]
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Thorough, Gentle Dental Care For Everyone
One of the most stressful aspects of looking for dental care can be doing your best to find someone you know is going to be gentle. Next, of course, is finding a place like our Ankeny, IA practice that offers all of the services you might need for your smile (and for everyone else in […]
Do You Really Need A Dental Care Provider?
Have you ever started wondering about your smile? Do you ever have moments during which you secretly think to yourself that you bet as long as you brush and floss and you’re really good about being thorough and consistent, you probably don’t even need checkups, cleanings, or anything else? We understand and we completely follow […]