Are you always on the lookout for something fun for your teens to do after school? Why not mix things up, so they unwind with some fun instead of just hopping onto yet another screen? The upcoming Teen Bingo in Ankeny, IA just might be the nostalgic, good old-fashioned fun you’re always hoping to discover. […]
Your Local Dentist Explains: Levels Of Control And What To Do
As you spend any amount of time reflecting on your smile health, you may find that you feel a little bit uncomfortable about one particular detail: You don’t have complete control over every last detail! This can make you question whether your efforts are going to pay off. Why bother brushing, you wonder, if you […]
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February Family Fun: Keeping Smiles Healthy!
The lovely and heart-filled month of February is just about here, which means everyone has spring (and visions of candy) on their minds. What can you do, you wonder, to soar through the month with your family while having tons of fun and while avoiding the oral health consequences that you worry about, especially with […]
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Dental Care Products: Safe Or Unsafe?
As you do your best to remain focused on your oral health and to take care of your smile, you will come across products that go beyond your daily floss, brush, and toothpaste. Sometimes, you will feel confident in your knowledge of that particular item and whether it’s safe for your smile. In other cases, […]
Do I Need A Filling Or Crown Or…?
In many instances, we discover that patients assume that no matter what, if they have a cavity, they are going to need a dental filling. In many, many cases, it’s true that a filling is going to be the suggested means of treating existing tooth decay. However, this isn’t always true! Sometimes, you’ll need some […]
A New Way To Think About Dental Hygiene
If you’re brushing and flossing along every day, seeing us for dental visits, and heading home from those appointments with a clean bill of health each and every time, then you may not feel too concerned about your dental hygiene. However, if you’re feeling more like you’re fumbling along through your daily care at home, […]
Computer Class: Excel Formulas & Functions
What type of emotional reaction do you experience when it’s time to create a spreadsheet in Excel? Do you immediately feel overwhelmed because you don’t even know where to begin? Perhaps you have a little bit of knowledge but you sure wish you had a clearer understanding of some of the basics. Great news: There’s […]
3 Things Our New Patients Don’t Have To Worry About
When you’re a new patient of a dental practice, such as the very friendly place our Ankeny, IA team calls our own, you have questions. You also have concerns. What you’re hoping for, if you’re going to let yourself hope for the absolute best, is to discover that you’ve become a new dental patient of […]
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3 Ways To Make 2019 Easy Or Difficult
When you think about the entire year ahead, beginning with today, you realize that there’s an awful lot of 2019 leftover. Maybe you even have a streamer or some confetti still lying about from your New Year’s Eve party. What you should do as a result is grab hold of the promise that the year […]
The FAQs: Traditional Cleaning Or Deep Cleaning
When you see that we offer dental cleanings but you also know we offer deep cleanings, you may find yourself feeling quite flummoxed. Well, you think to yourself, do you need the traditional type of cleaning or the deep one? Is this something that you are supposed to decide or is this something that our […]
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